Posted on 2007-02-18 18:35
laogao 阅读(380)
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关注这个Russ Olsen的blog有一段时间了,他最近的几篇blog贴子都和项目管理团队管理有关。我觉得相比成功的经验,有时失败带给我们的收获会更多。这篇最新的blog中Russ Olsen和我们分享关于他的一个失败的项目,以及他如何向团队承认自己的失误。
"It goes against something in us, especially as we get into management jobs, to admit that we were wrong. But when you are wrong, especially when you are wrong in a way that causes the whole team to fail, you gotta own up. Not that 'mistakes were made'. Not that 'it could have been done better'. Not even 'I did the best I could'. No, it has to be 'I was wrong'."