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Sir, may I know where you are going?
You will have to get off at LeQiao, I'll let you know when you get there.
This bus doesn't go to LeQiao, you will have to get off at the XinJiaHuaYuan station and change another bus.
Can you pop the trunkopen the trunk
Do you need a ride? We can car pool.     give someone a ride

I'll pick you up tomorrow. 我明天会去接你

Pick up 这个词实在是很好用,比如"去拿作业"可以叫 pick up the homework, "去摘水果"也叫 pick up the fruit,"开车去接某人",也叫 pick up。 接人叫 pick up,那"放某人放下来"要怎么说呢? 就是 drop someone off。例如你可以跟被你载的人说:Where do you like me to drop you off. 或是光说 drop 也成,例如:You can drop me around the corner.

Come on, jump in / hop in. 快点上车。

一般我们认为上车叫 get on,但是其实 get on 只用在大的巴士,例如"坐公车"是 get on the bus,或是"骑马",可以说 get on the horse。但一般小汽车是不能用 get on the car的,只有在有往上爬的动作时才能用 get on,那要用什么才对呢? jump in 就是一个不错的字眼,或是 hop in 也很常用,你可以说:Come on, jump in the car.

同样的, 下车也分两种,如果是从大车上下来,如巴士,就像我们以前所学的用 get off。但是从小轿车中出来就不叫 get off,要用 get out,例如:Everybody gets out. 就是"大家都下车吧。"

posted on 2008-03-25 16:02 周锐 阅读(235) 评论(2)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: English

