Eclipse guy
Ed Burnette,Eclipse guy,小有名气的Eclipse blogger之一,准备使用一下NetBeans 4.1 (也许Ed是受了NetBeans Day 0的感染,我也差一点去重装NetBeans,但是忙着看blogs,却给忘了)。
“Recently I decided to give NetBeans another try since I’d heard version 4.1 was much improved over previous versions. My journey started at the NetBeans download site. -- Ed Burnette”
Ed 在他的blog中描述了他如何下载,安装,测试一个简单的程序(在Java SE 6 Preview版本下失败了)和总体印象。 最后,Ed 给出的评价是:
“NetBeans provides a good breadth of features out of the box, but it lacks depth. It builds in some things that are add-ons to Eclipse such as XML editing and a GUI designer. ….. However when you dig into the features like code formatting, the functionality and the polish that comes from years of community input is not there. …… Of course, NetBeans is not standing still, and some of the things they’re planning for future releases look good. But I plan on sticking with Eclipse for my day-to-day programming environment. - -- Ed Burnette”
Ed 最终还是回到了Eclipse(估计如果是我,也会回来的,所以,不试NetBeans也罢)。
NetBeans guy
Gregg Sporar, NetBeans小组的成员之一,在JavaOne 2005年会上,
旁听了Eclipse的一个技术讲座:“What's New in Eclipse? A Java Technology IDE and a Whole Lot More”,是由Mike Milinkovich and
Bjorn Freeman-Benson (Eclipse Foundation技术总监)共同做的。
“They covered a lot of ground so no topic got covered in great depth, but that was their intent. In other words, their presentation matched the abstract listed in the conference guide: their community, the Eclipse platform, the special projects, etc. -- Gregg Sporar”
Gregg比较感兴趣的是听众提出的问题。 一个听众问,"Are there any plans to get Eclipse and NetBeans on the same track?",也许是问Eclipse和NetBeans是否会合并,Mike的回答很简单,No。 另一个听众问Eclipse 3.1何时可以发布? 其实这个问题不用问,JavaOne 2005年会上就会宣布了,而且是这周。
Eclipse, NetBeans,JavaOne