love fish大鹏一曰同风起,扶摇直上九万里








; $Id: dmbroker.e,v 5.5 2002/07/25 22:50:01 ling Exp $

.facility DM_DOCBROKER

; These are errors encountered during parsing format strings


REGISTERED SI "The Docbroker registered using service: (%s) with port: (%d)."

SHUT_DOWN "The Docbroker is shutting down."

SECURITY_ENABLED "Shutdown security enabled via password."

START I "Docbroker has started.  Process id: %d"

SHUTDOWN_REQUESTED SS "Shutdown has been requested from user: %s on host: %s."

LISTENING S "The Docbroker is listening on network address: (%s)"

DMCL_INI_WIN32_SEARCH1 SSSS "%%DMCL_CONFIG%%==(%s), current directory==(%s), %%DOCUMENTUM%%==(%s), Windows directory==(%s)"

PROJECTING SIS "Sending information to Docbroker located on host (%s) with port (%d).  Information: (%s)."
REGISTERED_PORT I "The Docbroker registered using port (%d)."
.severity WARNING

CONNECT_FAILED S "Unable to make network connection to the DocBroker at network address (%s).  Please check your dmcl.ini file for a correct host."

NO_OPEN_SERVERS SS "The DocBroker running on host (%s) indicates the server map for docbase (%s), does not contain any servers with status Open"

NO_LOCAL_SERVERS SS "The DocBroker running on host (%s) indicates the server map for docbase (%s), does not contain any servers with local proximity"

DBG_BYPASS_BY_SRV SSSL "Warning you are using a local override to specifiy the network address of your server for docbase (%s).  Values used: host (%s), service (%s) and docbase ID (%d)."

DBG_BYPASS_BY_RAW SSIL "Warning you are using a local override to specifiy the network address of your server for docbase (%s).  Values used: host (%s), port (%d) and docbase ID (%d)."

REQUEST_STATUS SSS "The docbroker on host (%s) returned a failed status for the request: (%s).   Error message from docbroker: (%s)."

FILE_CHECK SS "The file containing your docbroker password, %s, can be accessed by other users.  The operating system error was %s."

FILE_PERMISSION S "The security of file containing your docbroker password: %s is readable by others."

SHUTDOWN_REQ_REJ SS "A shutdown request from user (%s) on host (%s) was rejected due to an invalid password."

UNKNOWN_REQUEST I "Unknown request ordinal: %d"

EXEC_POOL_FULL "The execution context pool is full."

CHECKPOINT_RUNNING I "Docbroker Checkpoint was not sent.  The previously launched Docbroker Checkpoint (pid = %d) is still running.  Check your server log for additional messages."
; CAUSE: The thread/process that was started at the previous checkpoint time is still running
; ACTION: Check for errors, such as network timeouts, in your server log, also check to see whether the process is still in the system.

.severity ERROR

MEMORY_EXHAUSTED I "Memory exhausted allocating %d bytes"

REQUEST_FAILED S "The request to the Docbroker failed due to the following error: (%s)."

REQUEST_FAILED_E "The Docbroker request failed."

NO_SERVERS_QUALIFY SS "The DocBroker running on host (%s) does not know of a local active server for the specified docbase (%s)"

NO_SERVERS_FOR_DOCBASE SS "The DocBroker running on host (%s) does not know of a server for the specified docbase (%s)"

DOCBASE_NAME_LENGTH SII "The connect string (%s) is too long at (%d) characters.  Maximum length is restricted to (%d) characters"

DOCBASE_SYNTAX_ORDER S "Invalid syntax for the docbase connect string (%s).  The docbase/server name separator, '.' must preceed the server name/host name separator '@'."

DOCBASE_SYNTAX_MULTI S "Invalid syntax for the docbase connect string (%s).  The docbase/host name separator, @, and the docbase name/server name separator '.' can only appear once."

EMPTY_NAME S "The docbase name is required and is not specified in the docbase connect string (%s)"

NETWORK_ERROR SS "An error occured performing a network operation: (%s).  Network specific error: (%s).";

CONNECT_FAILED S "Unable to connect to DocBroker. Clients please check your dmcl.ini file for a correct host.  Server please check your server.ini or target attributes in server config.  Network address: (%s)."

NO_SERVERS_FOR_SPECIFIC SS "The DocBroker running on host (%s) indicates the specific server for the docbase (%s) you specified was not found."

NO_DOCBASES S "There are not any Docbases registered with the DocBroker running on host (%s)."

DMCL_MISSING_HOST S "Unable to connect to a DocBroker because your dmcl.ini file (%s) does not specify a section DOCBROKER_PRIMARY with a value for host"

DMCL_INI_NOT_FOUND "Unable to connect to a DocBroker because your dmcl.ini file cannot be found.  Please see your system administrator as this file is needed to specify the host name of your DocBroker."

DMCL_INI_UNIX_MISSING "Failure to connect to DocBroker (no dmcl.ini). The search rules are: 1) $DMCL_CONFIG specifies a file 2) current directory 3) $DOCUMENTUM specifies a directory with dmcl.ini."

DMCL_INI_WIN_MISSING  "Failure to connect to a DocBroker (no dmcl.ini). The search rules are: 1) working directory 2) windows directory"

DMCL_INI_MAC_MISSING  "Failure to connect to a DocBroker (no dmcl.ini). The search rules are: 1) working path 2) preferences path 3) Documentum: 4) Documentum:config"

NOT_IMPLEMENTED S "The Docbroker request you generated is not implemented in this release.  (%s)"

REPLY_STREAM S "The reply stream from the DocBroker could not be loaded. First 80 bytes: (%s)."

REQUEST_STREAM S "The request stream from the client could not be loaded. First 80 bytes: (%s)."


BAD_PROTOCOL "The DocBroker protocol you specified is invalid"

REQUEST_STATUS SSS "The docbroker on host (%s) returned a failed status for the request: (%s).   Error message from docbroker: (%s)."

REGISTER_FAIL IS "Failure to register the docbroker process on socket port: (%d).  Error: %s"

REGISTER_IN_USE IS "Failure to start the docbroker process.  Error indicates that there is already a docbroker process running on this host on port: (%d).  Error Details: %s"

CONN_REJ_1 I "Docbroker: Refusing service to client on connection %i -- too many clients"

START_NETWISE SS "The docbroker failed to start due to an error returned by the Netwise networking subsystem.  Failed API: %s.  Error specifics: %s."

OPEN_IFILE SS "Error opening initialization file: %s.  %s."

BAD_NET_STREAM "Unable to process a request.  The stream image was unparsable."

LISTEN_FAIL SS "Failure to register the docbroker process on network address: (%s).  Error: (%s)"

SEND_LAUNCH S "Unable to send checkpoint to docbroker due to an operating system error: %s."
; CAUSE: the operating system refused to launch the process/thread to perform the checkpoint
; ACTION: Verify the operating system has enough resources

DMCL_INI_WIN32_MISSING "DocBroker connection failed (no dmcl.ini). Search rules: 1) %%DMCL_CONFIG%% specifies a file 2) current directory 3) %%DOCUMENTUM%% specifies a directory with dmcl.ini 4) Windows dir."
; CAUSE: dmcl is unable to determine which host has a running docbroker
; ACTION: configure a valid dmcl.ini file

INVALID_PORT I "Invalid port number (%d)."
INVALID_HOST S "Invalid host name (%s)."
MAP_CACHE_OVERFLOW S "%s map cache overflow."
; CAUSE: application access too many docbases/servers.
; ACTION: Application has to wait and try to connect later when there are fewer
;        connections.

UNKNOWN_DOCBROKER_MAP_NAME S "Unknown docbroker map name: %s"
; CAUSE: application specified a docbroker map name that was unknown
; ACTION: Specify either mn_cs_map or mn_acs_map as the docbroker map name, or don't specify a docbroker map name as it's optional.

CHECKPOINT_NOT_SENT S "The docbroker checkpoint was not sent for the following reason: %s"
; CAUSE: There was an error fetching either the server config or docbase config when trying to send the checkpoint.
; ACTION: Ensure that the database is running and restart the docbase if necessary.

CONNECT_FAILED_EX S "Unable to connect to DocBroker. Clients please check your file for a correct host.  Server please check your server.ini or target attributes in server config.  Network address: (%s)."

; the following errors are considered internal or not expected
.severity FATAL

posted on 2009-11-16 12:14 liaojiyong 阅读(1234) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum

