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To do sth requests:
   1. .......
   2. .......

Do one of the following:
   Ÿ On Windows: .....
   Ÿ On Linux: ....

This section provides background information on ..... and describes how to .......
The following topics are covered:

The only circumstances under which you should need to change SGA and PGA Aggregate sizes are the following:


Enter the following command at the operating system prompt to start SQL Command Line: 

At the SQL Command Line prompt, enter the following command: 
   select * from table1;

If the command is successful, the following message is displayed:


Ensure that sth is started.

Be certain that .....


Set environment variables according to the instructions in "Setting E... V... on the Linux Platform"

See "......." for instructions.

See "......" for more information.

See"...." for a discussion of .....

See Also: ...

posted @ 2006-07-09 18:09 Jcat 阅读(295) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

>sqlplus /nolog              Just startup SQL*PLUS but haven't connected to DB

>sqlplus / as sysdba      Use os authentication

>sqlplus user/pwd         Use db authentication

SQL>startup                  Startup Oracle service (should startup TNSListener at first)


SQL>connect user/pwd                        Local connection

SQL>connect user/pwd@host:1521    Remote connection *1* *2* *3*

SQL>connect system/pwd                   The pwd is the SYSTEM password that you set upon installation of Oracle Database XE.

>lsnrctl status               View listener status

>lsnrctl start

>lsnrctl stop

>lsnrctl reload

>lsnrctl services

>emctl start dbconsole  

>emctl start agent       start up the EM Grid Control facility

>isqlplusctl start         start up the iSQL*Plus server

*1* Logging in to the Oracle Database XE host computer with an ssh (or telnet ) session and then starting SQL Command Line (or other Oracle command-line utility) is considered a local connection, even though you start the ssh (or telnet ) application on a remote computer.

*2* The remote computer must have Oracle client software installed.

*3* Only Oracle Database XE Client supports the notion of a default database service. If you connect remotely from any Oracle client software other than Oracle Database XE Client, you must include the XE service name.


posted @ 2006-07-09 11:18 Jcat 阅读(403) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
Environment Variables:
   GROOVY_HOME=(your groovy install path)

Hello.groovy (very very simple)
println "hello groovy"

>groovyc Hello.groovy
>java Hello
>hello groovy
posted @ 2006-07-07 18:20 Jcat 阅读(133) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

POJO principle


1. The class can not be final


2. Must implement Serializable


3. Must contain a non-argument constructor


4. The getter and setter must be public


posted @ 2006-07-03 14:24 Jcat 阅读(230) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
     摘要: Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Ant Ant is a software too...  阅读全文
posted @ 2006-06-30 14:01 Jcat 阅读(1919) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏
     摘要: Editing Ctrl + Space Basic code completion (the name of any class, method or v...  阅读全文
posted @ 2006-06-26 21:26 Jcat 阅读(326) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

==must be installed==


unitTest: better (and also bigger) than JunitGenerator

CVS bar: VCS bar is too old


DBHelper: more powerful than  SQL Query Plugin. Maybe the latter will be removed after I am familiar with DBHelper.

Rearranger: use it in canonical class, such as bean  


Key promoter: Shows to user how easy he can make same action using only keyboard

==good for using==

IdeaMouseGestures: IdeaMouseGestures plugin provides easy way to assign Idea's menu items to mouse gestures.

KonaWorks PowerPack: A new code action to easily insert an expression inside a string literal

DragNDrop: This plugin will allow a user to drag and drop files into the main pane of IntelliJ


RemoteTail: The plugin allows the user to view the content of a file which could be on a different computer.

Jump to Usage: Simple plugin to make navigation to element usages easier than using Alt+F7.

Library Finder: helps to find library files (.jar/.zip) for a "fully qualified" class/resource name.

IntelliLang: IntelliLang is a combination of three basic kinds of functionality that are meant to support the developer in dealing with certain tasks that relate to (custom) languages in IntelliJ IDEA.

XPathView + XSLT-Support: required by IntelliLang

Tabifier: The tabifier plugin retabs Java code so that syntactic elements are aligned vertically. 

Struts Assistant: it will conflict with Struts Plugin, so Struts Assistant is enough.

IdeaSpring: Helpful to edit applicationContext.xml. But it is even a commercial one! So it has to be re-download every 15 days.

XFile: defaul Changes is good enough, so maybe it will be removed later.

UpperLowerCapitalize: just use the capticalize, since there is default upper/lower in IDEA

IdeaJad: a popular decompiler

SyncEdit: Remove the default shortcut "Tab" (for "Next SyncEditable Word"), since I need "Tab" work normally.

World of Java

Scratch Pad: Additional editor tool window to hold pieces of code temporarily. No syntax colouring, intentions or error highlighting.

HTML Preview: Provides preview for html files using Mozilla browser


TabSwitch: Open files/tabs switcher

CVS Report for IntelliJ IDEA: CVS Report for IntelliJ IDEA is a free open source plugin for IntelliJ IDEA to generate statistical reports from your CVS repository.

RssPlugin: RSS Plugin for viewing RSS feeds within IntelliJ.

Hibernate Tools: better than hibero which is even a commercial one!

Smart Introduce: how to use it?

GroovyJ: hoping it can become more powerful

==not very useful, so can be ignore==

Code Outline: Have not found anything useful  (dosen't work in IDEA 6.0)

OpenContainingForder: Plugin for Viewing folders with Windows Explorer, but cannot open a folder. So "Alt+Shift+E" is better 

LineMover: default "Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down" is enough.

SQL Query Plugin: DBHelper is good enough

SQL script editor: DBHelper is good enough

JavaDoc Browser: the window can't be big enough, so acutal browser (such as fire fox) is better.

BTW: if you have any good recommendation, welcome to share with us. 

posted @ 2006-06-24 13:01 Jcat 阅读(1148) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
DAO=Data Access Object
   It consist of two models: Data Accessor and Domain Object
   It also can be cut into 3 objects: Data, Accessor and domain Object
posted @ 2006-06-23 18:39 Jcat 阅读(202) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



真的猛士,敢于直面惨淡的人生,正视淋漓的鲜血! (Jayson)



Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.




专业性越强企业的生存能力要远远超过多元化的企业,其实人也是这样。(from ttnn)
posted @ 2006-06-23 15:14 Jcat 阅读(325) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

1. Tomcat config file, where you can change Tomcat's port number: <CATALINA_HOME>/conf/server.xml  

<  Host ...   >  
<  Context   path  ="/app1"   docBase  ="app1"   debug  ="0"   reloadable  ="true"   />
<  Context   path  ="/app2"   docBase  ="app2"   debug  ="0"   reloadable  ="true"   />
<  Context   path  ="root url"   docBase  ="root dir (or the path of .war)"   debug  ="0"   reloadable  ="note1"   >
< / Host >

note1: whether auto-reload the web application, when .class file is changed
              1) during developing, set reloadable=true
              2) after deployment, set reloadable=false

2. Some libs


just for Tomcat


for all web apps


both Tomcat and all web apps


just present web app


3. Immobile Directory Structure (the names are also immobile, include uppercase/lowercase) 


Note: WEB-INF/classes is loaded by tomcat before WEB-INF/lib , so classes has priority than lib

4. Scopes

Request in Struts: PageFrom (request.setAttribute by using Form)-->Action(request.getAttribute&setAttribute)-->PageTo (request.getAttribute by using EL) 

*2* :
Parameter vs Attribute in request
   Parameter URL 带过来的参数,只能是个 String ,如
   在 Action 中的调用:
   在响应页面中的调用: ${param.para1} param EL 的隐藏对象) 

一般是 Form 带过来的属性,可以是任何对象
Action 中的调用:一般已经存在于 Form 对象中;
   在响应页面中的调用: ${attributeName.xxx} 
EL 会自动调用 getXxx 方法,所以该 attribute 必须实现 getXxx 方法)

5. Web server跟踪客户状态的四种方法(HTTP是无状态的协议)
    4)使用Servlet API中的Session机制

6. JavaBean的标准
   1) should be a public class
   2) should have a non-argument constructor
   3) fields should be privated, and using get & set to access them
   4) also can have some other functions as a common class

posted @ 2006-06-23 09:11 Jcat 阅读(375) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
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