在1.0的时候是好使的 换成2.0的时候
就出现 Missing method or missing parameter converters 这个错误了

2007-11-29 17:44:14 org.directwebremoting.util.CommonsLoggingOutput warn

警告: Marshalling exception: Missing method or missing parameter converters:


The callback-as-first-parameter system has been deprecated since version 0.9 in favor of the callback-as-last-parameter system. In version 2.0 we removed support for the first-parameter option because it caused some hard to detect bugs with null parameters. From version 2.0 the callback must be the last parameter, and can not be the first parameter.


说明:dwr1.0本身解析器就有点问题,所以推荐 要有dwr2.0.