


    public V get(Object key) {
        Object k = maskNull(key);
        int hash = hash(k);
        int i = indexFor(hash, table.length);
        Entry<K,V> e = table[i];
        while (true) {
            if (e == null)
                return null;
            if (e.hash == hash && eq(k, e.key))
                return e.value;
            e =;

TreeMap采用的是red-black tree来实现。TreeMap对key值进行排序,并且维护tree的balance,所以插入和删除的效率偏低O(logN)。


To close this chapter, let's take a quick look at some deciding factors in how to pick which standard collection implementation to use. These are not meant to be hard and fast rules but rather general guidelines to help you along.

1.If you need to store primitive elements, you must use an array unless you want to place every item into a wrapper class like Integer or Float. Consider using a BitSet instead of an array of booleans.

2.Rarely, if ever, should you use an historical collection class like Hashtable or Vector. Sometimes you need to use a Properties object, which is a type of Hashtable. Unless explicitly called for-as when using the JavaMail API-the historical collection class should be avoided in favor of the newer framework implementations.

3.Use a List if you need ordered access. Pick an ArrayList for indexed access. Definitely use a LinkedList when you need to add and remove elements from the beginning or middle of the list. If you only need ordered access through an Iterator, believe it or not, LinkedList is actually faster. Lists are also good if your collection requires the storing of duplicates, triplicates, or more.

4.Sets are for storing unique items in a collection. If you need ordered access, use a TreeSet. Otherwise, use a HashSet. If you only need ordered access after all the elements have been added, consider creating the set with a HashSet, then copying all the elements into a TreeSet.

5.Use a Map if you need to store key?value pairs and the key isn't an integer. (Consider using an array or List for indexed access.) Like Set, you should always use the hashed version of the collection (HashMap) unless you need sorted access (TreeMap).

6.Rely on the Collections class to make collections and maps read-only and thread-safe.

7.Use the WeakHashMap if you need to maintain weak references to keys stored in the map.