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> I have a requirement that I need to cofigure the language encoding based on
> the Request Header "accept-charset". If this is not available than we have
> our default charset.

It is already implemented The default is UTF-8 and can be configured
via getRequestCycleSettings().setResponseRequestEncoding(String)

> Why there's no setConverter(IConverter c) just like add(IValidator v) returning the object itself?

to elaborate a little
lets say we did let you use a setter
then we have to keep a reference to the converter in the Component, so when serialized it is one more object - that almost never changes - that has to be serialized. making components session footprint even bigger.
also if we let you use a setter we have to version the changes - so thats yet another object we have to add to session (the undo object)
by making getconverter() overridible we eliminate the two scenarios above.

>I'm getting unpredictable exceptions about expired pages, so I'm requesting some information about them.  I'm using the >latest snapshot of 1.2 (core and extensions).
>What causes pages to be expired?
>How can I prevent pages from throwing expiration exceptions?
>If a page is expired, how can I present a custom page to the user?

when a url is accessed for a page that cannot be found in the pagemap it is considered an expired page.

so basically you create a page, some time passes and that page is removed from the pagemap via the page eviction strategy. so if you go back to that page and click a link, that url will try to retrieve the page from the pagemap, and since the page cannot be found you get the page expired page.
you can set your own via Application.getApplicationSettings().setPageExpiredErrorPage()

posted on 2006-09-07 09:09 奇葛格 阅读(333) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Wicket

