






package analyzer;


import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.SimpleAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.StopAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.StopFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Tokenizer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.WhitespaceAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer;

public class TestAnalyzer {
private static String testString1 = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs";
private static String testString2 = "xy&z mail is -";
public static void testWhitespace(String testString) throws Exception{
        Analyzer analyzer 
= new WhitespaceAnalyzer();      
        Reader r 
= new StringReader(testString);      
        Tokenizer ts 
= (Tokenizer) analyzer.tokenStream("", r);      
"=====Whitespace analyzer====");
        Token t;      
while ((t = != null{      

public static void testSimple(String testString) throws Exception{
        Analyzer analyzer 
= new SimpleAnalyzer();      
        Reader r 
= new StringReader(testString);      
        Tokenizer ts 
= (Tokenizer) analyzer.tokenStream("", r);      
"=====Simple analyzer====");
        Token t;      
while ((t = != null{      

public static void testStop(String testString) throws Exception{
        Analyzer analyzer 
= new StopAnalyzer();      
        Reader r 
= new StringReader(testString);      
        StopFilter sf 
= (StopFilter) analyzer.tokenStream("", r);
"=====stop analyzer====");  
"分析方法:空格及各种符号分割,去掉停止词,停止词包括 is,are,in,on,the等无实际意义的词");
        Token t;      
while ((t = != null{      

public static void testStandard(String testString) throws Exception{
        Analyzer analyzer 
= new StandardAnalyzer();      
        Reader r 
= new StringReader(testString);      
        StopFilter sf 
= (StopFilter) analyzer.tokenStream("", r);
"=====standard analyzer====");
        Token t;      
while ((t = != null{      

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
//        String testString = testString1;
        String testString = testString2;


posted on 2007-06-20 16:46 dreamstone 阅读(4002) 评论(2)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 搜索引擎lucence


# re: 比较lucene各种英文分析器Analyzer 2007-06-20 18:02 good

不错  回复  更多评论   

# re: 比较lucene各种英文分析器Analyzer 2008-06-21 18:03 美女

Me with the floorshow
Kickin' with your torso
Boys getting high
And the girls even more so
Wave your hands if your not with the man
Can I kick it?
(Yes you can)
I got
You got
We got everybody
I've got the gift
Gonna stick it in the goal
It's time to move your body
Babylon back in business
Can I get a witness?
Every girl, every man
Houston, can you hear me?
Ground control, can you feel me?
Need permission to land
I don't wanna rock, DJ
But your making me feel so nice
When's it gonna stop, DJ?
Cos you're keepin' me up all night

Singin' in the classes
Music for your masses
Give no head
No backstage passes
Have a proper giggle
I'll be quite polite
But when I rock the mic
I rock the mic
You got no love, then you're with the wrong man
It's time to move your body
If you can't get a girl
But your best friend can
It's time to move your body
I don't wanna be sleazy
Baby just tease me
Got no family planned
Houston, can you hear me?
Need permission to land
But you're making me feel so nice
When's it gonna stop, DJ?
Cos you're keeping me up all night
I don't wanna rock, DJ
But you're making me feel so nice
When's it gonna stop, DJ?
Cos your keeping me up all night
Pimpin' aint easy
Most of them fleece me
Every night
Pimpin' ain't easy
But if you're sellin' it
It's alright
Come on
I don't wanna rock, DJ
But you're making me feel so nice
When's it gonna stop, DJ?
Cos you're keeping me up all night
I don't wanna rock, DJ
But you're making me feel so nice
When's it gonna stop, DJ?
Cos you're keeping me up all night
I don't wanna rock, DJ
But you're making me feel so nice
When's it gonna stop, DJ?
Cos you're keeping me up all night
I don't wanna rock, DJ
But you're making me feel so nice
When's it gonna stop, DJ?
Cos you're keeping me up all night   回复  更多评论   

