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在java进程后追加-X参数可看到对应的扩展参数,命令:java -X


另外JRockit还支持一个 -XX参数,其输出如下:

        UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions = false (default, writeable)
                - Enable processing of flags relating to field diagnostics
        UnlockInternalVMOptions = false (default)
                - Enable processing of internal, unsupported flags
        FailOverToOldVerifier = true (default, writeable)
                - Fail over to old verifier when split verifier fails
        UseVerifierClassCache = true (default)
                - Try to cache java.lang.Class lookups for old verifier.
        UseClassGC = true (default)
                (Alias: -Xnoclassgc)
                - Allow GC of Java classes
        UseThreadPriorities = false (default)
                - Use native thread priorities
        DeferThrSuspendLoopCount = 4000 (default, writeable)
                - Number of iterations in safepoint loop until we try blocking
        SafepointSpinBeforeYield = 2000 (default, writeable)
                - Number of iterations in safepoint loop until we yield instead
                  of pause (MP only)
        UseCompilerSafepoints = true (default)
                - Insert safepoint polls in compiled code
        DeferPollingPageLoopCount = -1 (default)
                - Number of iterations in safepoint loop before arming
                  safepoint poll page
        UseMembarForTransitions = false (default)
                - Use membar to serialize thread states.
        UseNativeLockProfiling = false (default)
                - Profile use of internal JVM monitors
        CheckJNICalls = false (default)
                - Verify all arguments to JNI calls
        AbortOnFailedJNICheck = true (default)
                - Used with CheckJNICalls. If true, abort the JVM upon first
                  JNI parameter error.
        ErrorOnFailedJNICheck = false (default)
                - Used with CheckJNICalls. If true, any errors will be
                  signalled through a java.lang.Error.
        UseNewHashFunction = false (default)
                - Use HashMaps new hash function on jdks that does not do so by
        TreeMapNodeSize = 64 (default)
                - Size of entry array in each java.util.TreeMap node
        MaxDirectMemorySize = 0 (default)
                - Maximum total size of NIO direct-buffer allocations
        UseLazyStackTraces = true (default)
                - Generate stacktraces lazily for thrown Exceptions
        ShowInternalMethodsInStackTrace = false (default, writeable)
                - Show JVM internal code in java stacktraces.
        ReduceSignalUsage = false (default)
                (Alias: -Xrs)
                - Reduce the use of OS signals in Java and/or the VM
        MaxRecvBufferSize = 65536 (default)
                - Maximum size of byte buffer sent to recv
        MaxLargePageSize = 0 (default)
                - Use value as maximum size for large pages (if possible).
        UseLowAddressForHeap = true (default)
                - Use low 4Gb address space for Java heap if possible.
        UseLargePagesForHeap = false (default)
                - Attempt to use large page translation for the Java heap.
        ForceLargePagesForHeap = false (default)
                - Force the use of large page translation for the Java heap.
        CompressedRefs = false (default)
                (Alias: -XXcompressedRefs)
                - Use 32-bit java references on 64-bit OS - implies a heap
                  maximum of 4Gb (probably less)
        InitialHeapSize = 0 (default)
                (Alias: -Xms)
                - Initial size of Java Object heap
        MaxHeapSize = 0 (default)
                (Alias: -Xmx)
                - Maximum size of Java Object heap
        GCTimeRatio = 19 (default)
                - The ratio of time spent in garbage collection compared to
                  outside of garbage collection.
        GCTimePercentage = 0.000000 (default)
                - The percentage of time spent in garbage collection of total
                  run time.
        GCTrigger = 0 (default)
                (Alias: -XXgcTrigger)
                - The threshold of free heap before a concurrent GC is started
        ForceEarlyOC = true (default)
                - Force an early OC before old space is empty to avoid
                  promotion failed.
        ForceEarlyOCMaxPercentage = 5.000000 (default)
                - Maximum percentage of heap that is allowed to have left
                  before doing an early OC.
        ForceYCOnLargeAllocationFailed = false (default)
                - Force YC on a large allocation failure.
        UseNurseryEvacuation = false (default)
                - Try to evacuate the nursery when a promotion failed has
        DisableEvacuationToNursery = false (default)
                - Disallows evacuation to move objects to where the nursery is.
        SemiRefPostponedPacketSize = 492 (default)
                - The number of references in a postponed semiref packet.
        SemiRefPrefetchDistance = 0 (default)
                - The number of reference packet indexes to prefetch, or 0 for
                  no prefetch.
        FinalHandleParallelThreshold = -1 (default)
                - The minimum number of final handles needed to process them in
        FinalHandlePacketSize = 200 (default)
                - The number of handles in a final handle packet.
        MaximumNurseryPercentage = 95 (default)
                - Sets the maximum size of the nursery relative to the amount
                  of free heap after the last old collection.
        AllowYCDuringOC = true (default)
                - Allow young collections during old collections.
        YcAlignAll = false (default)
                - Align all objects (with regards to YcAlignMaxSpill) during YC
        YcAlignMaxSpill = 40 (default)
                - Max spill allowed when aligning objects during YC.
        FullSystemGC = false (default)
                (Alias: -XXfullSystemGC)
                - Always run full GC (with full compaction) when System.gc() is
        AllowSystemGC = true (default)
                (Alias: -XXnoSystemGC)
                - Run a GC when System.gc() is called
        GcCardTableParts = 1024 (default)
                - Initial number of parts of the card table array
        GcBalancePrefetchDistance = 4 (default)
                - Prefetch distance in a GC balance system workpacket
        GcBalancePacketSize = 493 (default)
                - Packet size of GC balance system workpackets
        NumGenConPrecleaningIterations = 3 (default)
                - Number of precleaning iterations for gencon.
        AllowEmergencyParSweep = true (default)
                - Allow the OC to temporarily change concurrent sweep to
                  parallel if needed.
        TlaWasteLimit = 0 (default)
                (Alias: -XXlargeObjectLimit)
                - Internal. Use -XXtlaSize:wasteLimit instead.
        TlaMinSize = 0 (default)
                (Alias: -XXminBlockSize)
                - Internal. Use -XXtlaSize:min instead.
        TlaPreferredSize = 0 (default)
                - Internal. Use -XXtlaSize:preferred instead.
        UseFullCompaction = false (default)
                - All compactions will be full compactions. Internal. Use
                  -XXcompaction:full instead.
        InternalCompactionPercentage = -1.000000 (default)
                - The percentage of the heap to compact for internal
                  compaction. Internal. Use -XXcompaction:internalPercentage
        ExternalCompactionPercentage = -1.000000 (default)
                - The percentage of the heap to compact for external
                  compaction. Internal. Use -XXcompaction:externalPercentage
        InitialCompactionPercentage = -1.000000 (default)
                - The initial percentage of the heap to compact, for both
                  internal and external compaction. Internal. Use
                  -XXcompaction:initialPercentage instead.
        UseCompaction = true (default)
                - Use compaction to reduce fragmentation. Internal. Use
                  -XXcompaction:enable instead.
        UseAbortableCompaction = false (default)
                - The compactions should be possible to abort. Internal. Use
                  -XXcompaction:abortable instead.
        NumCompactionHeapParts = 4096 (default)
                (Alias: -XXheapParts)
                - The number of heap parts in compaction heuristics. Internal.
                  Use -XXcompaction:heapParts instead.
        InitialExternalReservedHeap = 4M (default)
                - The initial size of the memory reserved by external
                  compaction. Internal. Use
                  -XXcompaction:initialExternalReservedHeap instead.
        UseFixedExternalReservedHeap = false (default)
                - The size of the memory reserved by external compaction is
                  fixed. Internal. Use
                  -XXcompaction:externalReservedHeapIsFixed instead.
        MaxCompactionReferences = 0 (default)
                (Alias: -XXcompactSetLimit)
                - The maximum number of references to store in compaction
                  before skipping. Internal. Use -XXcompaction:maxReferences
        MaxCompactionReferencesPerObject = 0 (default)
                (Alias: -XXcompactSetLimitPerObject)
                - The maximum number of references to store per object in
                  compaction. Internal. Use
                  -XXcompaction:maxReferencesPerObject instead.
        InternalCompactionParts = -1 (default)
                (Alias: -XXinternalCompactRatio)
                - Deprecated. Use -XXcompaction:internalPercentage instead.
        ExternalCompactionParts = -1 (default)
                (Alias: -XXexternalCompactRatio)
                - Deprecated. Use -XXcompaction:externalPercentage instead.
Object allocation:
        UseAllocPrefetch = true (default)
                - Use prefetch on object allocation
        RedoAllocPrefetch = true (default)
                - Do prefetch on object allocation from start of the allocated
        AllocPrefetchLineLength = -1 (default)
                - Line length for allocation prefetch
        AllocPrefetchDistance = -1 (default)
                - Distance for allocation prefetch
        AllocChunkSize = -1 (default)
                - Size of chunks to clear/prefetch
        UseLockProfiling = false (default)
                - Enable Java lock profiling.
        ThinLockContendedSpinCount = -1 (default)
                - Number of spins between each poll when acquiring a thin lock
        ThinLockContendedPollCount = -1 (default)
                - Number of polls between each short nap when acquiring a thin
        ThinLockConvertToFatThreshold = -1 (default)
                - Number of of short naps before converting thin lock to fat
        FatLockContendedSpinCount = -1 (default)
                - Number of spins between each poll when acquiring a fat lock
        FatLockContendedPollCount = -1 (default)
                - Number of polls between each short nap when acquiring a fat
        MonitorContendedSpinCount = -1 (default)
                - Number of spins between each poll when acquiring a monitor
        MonitorContendedPollCount = -1 (default)
                - Number of polls between each short nap when acquiring a
                  monitor lock
        UseFatLockDeflation = true (default)
                - Try to deflate fat locks to thin
        FatLockDeflationThreshold = 50 (default)
                - Number of uncontended entries on lock before deflation occurs
        UseLockQueueLength = true (default)
                - Make threads go to sleep if contention exceeds # cpus
        UseFatSpin = true (default)
                (Alias: -XXdisableFatSpin)
                - Should we spin-try then acquiring a fat lock
        UseAdaptiveFatSpin = false (default)
                - Should we use adaptive spinning acquiring a fat lock
        UseThreadContentionMonitoring = true (default)
                - Allow thread contention monitoring
        UseLazyUnlocking = true (default)
                (Alias: -XXlazyUnlocking)
                - Enable lazy unlocking
        UseLazyUnlockingInJIT = true (default)
                - Use lazy locks in JIT code
        UseLazyUnlockingClassBan = true (default)
                - Use class banning
        UseLazyUnlockingTransferClassBan = true (default)
                - Use transfer class banning
        FlightRecorder = true (default)
                - Enable flightrecorder
        FlightRecorderOptions = (null) (default)
                - Flight recorder arguments
        StartFlightRecording = (null) (default)
                - Start a Flight recording with args. Equivalent to using
Code memory:
        CodeBlockAbsorbtionSize = 16 (default)
                - Maximum extra size allowed for fitting code memory chunks
        FreeEmptyCodeBlocks = true (default)
                - Free unused code memory
        UseLargePagesForCode = false (default)
                - Attempt to use large page translation compiled code.
        MaxCodeMemory = 0 (default)
                - Maximum amount of memory used for generated code
        ReserveCodeMemory = false (default)
                - Reserve all memory for code at startup
        UseCodeGC = true (default)
                - Allow GC of discarded compiled code
        CodeGCThreshold = 0 (default)
                - Released byte threshold for initiating a code GC
        CodeGCReclaimThreshold = 0 (default)
                - Released byte threshold before compiler attempts to reclaim
                  unused code space
        CodeGCUseReclaim = true (default)
                - Should Code GC attempt reclamation of unused code memory
Compiler broker:
        MaxOptQueueLength = 0 (default)
                - Maximum allowed optimization queue length before JIT thread
                  helps generate code
        OptThreads = 1 (default)
                - Number of background optimization threads
        JITThreads = 1 (default)
                - Number of background JIT threads
        JITThreadPrio = 5 (default)
                - Priority of background JIT threads
        OptThreadPrio = 5 (default)
                - Priority of background optimization threads
        DisableOptsAfter = -1 (default)
                (Alias: -Xnoopt)
                - Disable optimizations after n seconds
        PreOpt = false (default)
                - Optimize all code on jit (first generation)
        UseCallProfiling = false (default)
                - Use call profiling on unoptimized code
        StrictFP = false (default)
                (Alias: -Xstrictfp)
                - Force strict FP for all methods
        CheckStacks = false (default)
                (Alias: -Xcheckedstacks)
                - Do explicit checks for stack overflow
        DevirtualizeAlways = false (default)
                - Forces devirtualization in jitted code
        UseStringCache = false (default)
                - Cache common arrays used in String constructor
        MethodCodeAlignment = 32 (default)
                - Byte alignment for start of method code
        UseInlineObjectAlloc = true (default)
                - Generate inlined object allocation code.
        UseOldLockMatching = false (default)
                - Compatibility mode lock matching
        JavaDebug = false (default)
                (Alias: -Xdebug)
                - Enable java debugging
        DisableAttachMechanism = false (default)
                - Disable mechanism that allows tools to attach to this VM
        CrashOnOutOfMemoryError = false (default, writeable)
                - Crash JVM process on OutOfMemory
        ExitOnOutOfMemoryError = false (default, writeable)
                - Terminate JVM process on OutOfMemory
        ExitOnOutOfMemoryErrorExitCode = 51 (default, writeable)
                - Exit code for termination of  JVM process on OutOfMemory
        HeapDiagnosticsOnOutOfMemoryError = false (default, writeable)
                - Print Java heap diagnostics on OutOfMemory
        HeapDiagnosticsPath = (null) (default, writeable)
                - When HeapDiagnosticsOnOutOfMemoryError is on, the path
                  (filename or directory) of the dump file (defaults to
                  jrockit_<pid>.oomdiag in the working directory)
        HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError = false (default, writeable)
                - Dump Java heap to a hprof binary format file on OutOfMemory
        HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak = false (default)
                - Dump heap to file in Ctrl-Break handler
        HeapDumpPath = (null) (default, writeable)
                - When HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError is on, the path (filename or
                  directory) of the dump file (defaults to jrockit_<pid>.hprof
                  in the working directory)
        SegmentedHeapDumpThreshold = 2G (default, writeable)
                - Generate a segmented heap dump (JAVA PROFILE 1.0.2 format)
                  when the heap usage is larger than this
        HeapDumpSegmentSize = 1G (default)
                - Approximate segment size when generating a segmented heap
        StartMemleakOnPort = 0 (default, writeable)
                (Alias: -XXmemleak)
                - Listen for memleak connections on this port (0 for default)
        FlightRecordingDumpOnUnhandledException = false (default, writeable)
                - Generate a Flight Recording dump when a thread is terminated
                  due to an unhandled exception
        FlightRecordingDumpPath = (null) (default, writeable)
                - When FlightRecordingDumpOnUnhandledException is on, the path
                  (filename or directory) of the dump file (defaults to
                  jrockit_<pid>_<thread id>.jfr in the working directory)
        AbortOnCrash = false (default, writeable)
                - Abort the JVM in case of an crash.
        DumpOnCrash = true (default, writeable)
                - Generate a dump of the JVM state in case of a crash.
        CoreOnCrash = true (default, writeable)
                - Generate a core dump file of the JVM state in case of a
        WaitOnCrash = false (default, writeable)
                - Wait for user debugger attach in case of a crash.
        AbortOnAssert = true (default, writeable)
                - Abort JVM on assertion
        CrashOnAssert = false (default, writeable)
                - Crash dump the JVM on assertion
        WaitOnAssert = false (default, writeable)
                - Spin and wait JVM on assertion
        NumaMemoryPolicy = (null) (default)
                - Numa memory policy (interleave, preferredlocal, strictlocal)
        BindToNumaNodes = (null) (default)
                - Bind process to Numa nodes
        BindToCPUs = (null) (default)
                - Bind process to CPUs
        UseFastTime = true (default)
                - Force/disable usage of hardware platform support for fast
        UseJNIPinning = true (default)
                - Use pinning for Objects in call to GetPrimitiveArrayCritical





    -Xmixed           mixed mode execution (default)
    -Xint             interpreted mode execution only
    -Xbootclasspath:<directories and zip/jar files separated by ;>
                      set search path for bootstrap classes and resources
    -Xbootclasspath/a:<directories and zip/jar files separated by ;>
                      append to end of bootstrap class path
    -Xbootclasspath/p:<directories and zip/jar files separated by ;>
                      prepend in front of bootstrap class path
    -Xnoclassgc       disable class garbage collection
    -Xincgc           enable incremental garbage collection
    -Xloggc:<file>    log GC status to a file with time stamps
    -Xbatch           disable background compilation
    -Xms<size>        set initial Java heap size
    -Xmx<size>        set maximum Java heap size
    -Xss<size>        set java thread stack size
    -Xprof            output cpu profiling data
    -Xfuture          enable strictest checks, anticipating future default
    -Xrs              reduce use of OS signals by Java/VM (see documentation)
    -Xcheck:jni       perform additional checks for JNI functions
    -Xshare:off       do not attempt to use shared class data
    -Xshare:auto      use shared class data if possible (default)
    -Xshare:on        require using shared class data, otherwise fail.

The -X options are non-standard and subject to change without notice.

JRockit JDK 6

    -Xbootclasspath:<directories and zip/jar files separated by ;>
              set search path for bootstrap classes and resources
    -Xbootclasspath/a:<directories and zip/jar files separated by ;> 
              append to end of bootstrap class path
    -Xbootclasspath/p:<directories and zip/jar files separated by ;>
              prepend in front of bootstrap class path
	      sets priority for the garbage collector (gc)
		  throughput	optimizes the gc behavior to achieve optimal
                                throughput (default in server mode)
		  pausetime	optimizes the gc behavior to achieve minimal
                                pause times 
		  deterministic	optimizes the gc behavior to ensure extremely
                                short pause times and limit the total number of
                                those pauses within a prescribed window (this
                                feature requires a valid license)
              used to set a static garbage collector
              will override the -Xgcprio option
                  singlecon     use the single-spaced concurrent garbage
                                collection algorithm (default in client mode)
                  gencon        use the generational concurrent 
                                garbage collection algorithm
                  singlepar     use the single-spaced parallel 
                                garbage collection algorithm
                  genpar        use the generational parallel 
                                garbage collection algorithm
              sets the initial Java heap size (ms)
                  server mode:  the default value is 25% of the amount 
				of free physical memory in the system 
				up to 64 MB with a minimum of 8 MB (default)
                  client mode:  the default value is 25% of the amount 
				of free physical memory in the system 
				up to 16 MB with a minimum of 8 MB
	      sets the maximum Java heap size (mx)
                  server mode:  the default value is the smallest of 75% of
                       		physical memory and 1536 MB (default)
                  client mode: 	the default value is the smallest of 75% of
				physical memory and 64 MB              
	      sets the initial Java nursery size for generational collectors
                  server mode:  the default value is dynamic (throughput
                                prio and genpar gc) or 10 MB per hardware
                                thread (pausetime prio and gencon gc)
                  client mode:  the default value is 2 MB            
              set initial stack size
              JRockit will optimize the pause time to the given target,
              uses -Xgcprio:pausetime
                  ms            pause time specified in milliseconds (default)
                  s             pause time specified in seconds
              disable class garbage collection
              enables debugging support in the VM
              loads and runs a library
              enable the management agent
              do not optimize code
              always use strict floating point calculations
              do full bytecode verification
    -Xnohup or -Xrs
              JRockit will not process CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT or SIGHUP events
              Enables verbose output. These are only a few of the 
              available log modules. For more information on log 
              modules refer to the documentation. 
              logs verbose output to a file 
              adds a timestamp to the verbose printout
              adds <decorations> to the verbose printout
	      perform additional checks for JNI functions
For more information on these options refer to the documentation.
The -X options are non-standard and subject to change without notice.




  -Xbootclasspath:<path>    将引导类路径设置为 <path>
  -Xbootclasspath/p:<path>  将 <path> 附加在引导类路径前面
  -Xbootclasspath/a:<path>  将 <path> 附加到引导类路径后面

  -Xrun<library>[:options]  装入本机代理程序库
                            (不推荐,赞成使用 -agentlib)

  -Xshareclasses[:options]  启用类数据共享(使用帮助获取详细信息)

  -Xint           仅运行已解释的(等同于 -Xnojit -Xnoaot)
  -Xnojit         禁用 JIT
  -Xnoaot         不运行预编译代码
  -Xquickstart    通过延迟优化来减少启动时间
  -Xfuture        启用最严格的检查,预测未来的缺省值


  -Xtrace[:option,...]  控制跟踪使用 -Xtrace:help 以获取更多详细信息

  -Xcheck[:option[:...]]  控制检查使用 -Xcheck:help 以获取更多详细信息


  -Xmca<x>        将 RAM 类段增量设置为 <x>
  -Xmco<x>        将 ROM 类段增量设置为 <x>
  -Xmn<x>         将初始/最大新空间大小设置为 <x>
  -Xmns<x>        将初始新空间大小设置为 <x>
  -Xmnx<x>        将最大新空间大小设置为 <x>
  -Xmo<x>         将初始/最大旧空间大小设置为 <x>
  -Xmos<x>        将初始旧空间大小设置为 <x>
  -Xmox<x>        将最大旧空间大小设置为 <x>
  -Xmoi<x>        将旧空间增量设置为 <x>
  -Xms<x>         将初始内存大小设置为 <x>
  -Xmx<x>         将内存最大大小设置为 <x>
  -Xmr<x>         将记住的集合大小设置为 <x>
  -Xmrx<x>        将记住的集合的最大大小设置为 <x>
  -Xmso<x>        将操作系统线程堆栈大小设置为 <x>
  -Xiss<x>        将初始 java 线程堆栈大小设置为 <x>
  -Xssi<x>        将 java 线程堆栈增量设置为 <x>
  -Xss<x>         将最大 java 线程堆栈大小设置为 <x>
  -Xscmx<x>       将新共享类高速缓存的大小设置为 <x>
  -Xscminaot<x>   将为 AOT 数据保留的最小共享类高速缓存空间设置为 <x>
  -Xscmaxaot<x>   将允许用于存储 AOT 数据的最大共享类高速缓存空间设置为 <x>
  -Xmine<x>       将堆扩展的最小大小设置为 <x>
  -Xmaxe<x>       将堆扩展的最大大小设置为 <x>

以下选项的参数以 0 至 1 的小数表示。
值为 0.3 表示请求百分比为 30%

  -Xminf<x>       GC 之后自由堆的最小百分比
  -Xmaxf<x>       GC 之后自由堆的最大百分比


  -Xgcthreads<x>                设置 GC 线程的数量
  -Xnoclassgc                   禁用动态类卸装
  -Xclassgc                     启用动态类卸装
  -Xalwaysclassgc               启用每个 GC 的动态类卸装
  -Xnocompactexplicitgc         禁用系统 GC 的压缩
  -Xcompactexplicitgc           启用每个系统 GC 的压缩
  -Xcompactgc                   启用压缩
  -Xnocompactgc                 禁用压缩
  -Xlp                          启用大页面支持
  -Xrunjdwp:<options>           启用调试,JDWP 标准选项
  -Xjni:<options>               设置 JNI 选项
posted on 2012-03-01 16:43 BeanSoft 阅读(7075) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: JVM

