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Posted on 2019-03-24 09:38 ouyida3 阅读(1838) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Java

Activiti 7 Roadmap

salaboy edited this page Feb 16, 2019 · 58 revisions

Get in touch if you want to participate and define the future of the Activiti project. For more information visit our Original Roadmap and the following updates. We are currently working on what is described in this page. We also recommend you to check our GitBook for Activiti & Activiti Cloud

Check out the Activiti Cloud Milestones

Activiti Cloud 7.1.x Release Train - Milestones Planning (March 2019)

  • JHipster Microservices Infrastructure Integration
    • Databindings (Data Objects)
    • JHispter use cases for UI and Backend Services deployment to K8s
    • UUA support
  • Kubernetes Native Integrations - Applications Operator
    • Spring Cloud Kubernetes Extensions
  • Acceptance Tests Steps Library
  • Standalone Process Modeler
  • Independent Task Runtime
  • BluePrint Trending Topics Campaigns User Interface and Dashboards
  • Istio.io Research and initial integration
  • KNative Bindings with Spring Cloud Functions
  • Decision Service initial draft implementation

Next - 2020 / Activiti Cloud 8.x

  • Collaboration Services
  • BluePrint for HealthCare, Finance, Games
  • AI bindings and abstractions

7.0.x Release Train

You can also check our overall project board here

Milestone #0 – July 2017 – Ended

  • Clean up Activiti
  • Domain API + HAL API + Runtime Bundle
    • process definitions
    • process instances
    • tasks
    • XML/JSON/SVG for process definitions
  • Audit Service: Event Store for Audit Information
  • Identity Management and SSO (KeyCloak implementation)
  • First Release Process

Milestone #1 – August 2017 – Ended

  • Domain API + HAL API + Runtime Bundle
    • Improvements, refinements and additions
  • Query Service: Event Store for Runtime Information
    • Security Enabled
    • JPA – Reference Implementation
  • Infrastructure Enabled Services
    • Gateway (Zuul)
    • Application Registry (Eureka)
    • SSO & IDM (Keycloak default implementation)
    • All Services are Docker Enabled
    • All Services can be deployed into Kubernetes
  • Cloud Examples

Milestone #2 – September 2017 – Ended

  • Domain API + HAL API + Runtime Bundle
  • Audit Service Mongo DB alternative
  • GraphQL review in progress
  • Release to Maven Central
  • Infrastructure Enabled Services
    • Helm Charts
    • Cloud Documentation
    • Cloud Examples Improvements
  • Validation Examples
    • AWS
    • Kubernetes / Minikube
    • Docker Compose

Milestone #3 – October 2017 - Ended

  • Refactor Activiti Cloud Services
  • Process Def & Instance Security model
  • Activiti Cloud Connectors
    • Process Engine refactoring to avoid JavaDelegates and classpath extensions
    • Kubernetes Service ready
  • Model Repository Service (Design and Initial Implementation)
  • Form Service (Initial discussions and planning)

Milestone #4 - November 2017 - Ended

  • Runtime Bundle & Services Hardening
    • Process Def & Instance Security Policies model
  • Tracing & Monitoring integrations common to all our services
  • Activiti Cloud Connectors Examples
  • JHipster Integration and Examples
  • Process Model Service - Initial Draft
  • Kubernetes & AWS deployments improvements

Milestone #5 - December 2017 - Ended

  • Extended Tests for distributed deployments to a live environment (24/7)
  • Process Model Service - Initial Implementation to release
  • Project & Groups Service - Initial Implementation to release
  • Elastic Search Query Service - Initial implementation to release
  • Notification Service PoC
  • Distributed Logging, Monitoring and Tracing
    • ELK Stack (or similar)
  • Process Runtime & Connectors Registry
  • Automated Release Tests - Initial approach

Milestone #6 - January 2018 - Ended

  • Process Runtime Service APIs (review and proposal)
  • Notification Service initial implementation for release
    • Query Module now use GraphQL to provide faster and better options for data retrieval
  • Improved Activiti Cloud Connectors Starter
    • Connectors now use dynamic binding to improve traceability
  • Kubernetes ConfigMaps Research
  • Improved Deployment Descriptors for Kubernetes
    • Tests in AWS environments using our Helm Charts
    • Tests in PKS Pivotal Early Access Environment
    • Shared Helm Charts with the Alfresco Platform Services for core infrastructure

Milestone #7 - February/March/April 2018 - Ended -

  • Digital Business Platform API Alignment (new module introduced)
  • Process Modelling Services next iteration
    • Process Modelling Validation Endpoint for BPMN models
  • Process Definition based security alignment in Runtime Bundle and Query
  • Kubernetes Service Registry, Kubernetes Discovery Client and ConfigMaps
  • Large POM refactorings required to improve project maintenance and dependency management
  • Activiti Scripts for speeding up the release process
  • Cloud Native BPMN Signal and Message Behaviours (initial draft/still under develop)
  • Web Socket for GraphQL subscriptions and integration with Gateway and Keycloak (still under develop)
  • Hardened our Acceptance Tests for Runtime and Modeling Services
  • Introduced a draft for our Performance Tests suite
  • Introduced Angular/ADF Demo UI Draft

Beta1 - Aug 2018 - Done

  • Process Definition based security unification
  • Cloud Native BPMN Signal and Message Behaviours
  • New Process & Task Runtime Java APIs +
  • Application Service
  • Refinements and consistency improvements
  • BluePrint repository split improvements to use query & audit
  • Notifications PoC with GraphQL integration at the gateway layer
  • Jenkins X (jenkinsx.io) support and alignment
  • HELM Charts for Infra & Applications
  • Spring Cloud Kubernetes upgrade and improvements

Beta2 - Sept 2018 - Done

  • CI/CD using Jenkins X
  • Spring Community Articles
  • BPMN timers & Spring Cloud Kubernetes Distributed Timers
  • Improved Modeling Services Backend
  • Connectors RFC
  • Application Structure RFC
  • Acceptance Tests Hardening

Beta3 - Nov 2018 - Ended -

Beta4 - Dec 2018 - Ended -

Beta5 - Dec 2018 - Ended

RC1 - Jan 2019 - Ended

Activiti Cloud 7.0.x GA - Feb 2019


