子夜 编程 代码与我同在
posts - 48,comments - 118,trackbacks - 79
it's first time for me to come in such professional Blog:) all of they are about your Java,your produces, your society status as an programme designer and your dream. what impressed me a lot is the degree you absorb in it. it's seem to fill all your time as well as your mind. maybe tha's why you can obtain such achievement in this field.
i am totally a dumn of computer, so far i still can not fully understand what you are doing here, although i have learn something of C and VB. i hope someday we can really have a talk. it must be very charming of the Jave and what you did at school, which could attract you so much and guide you all the way:)

posted on 2005-08-10 00:24 ^ Mustang ^ 阅读(72) 评论(0)  收藏

