
JSF will hibernate in spring.

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ILog Optimization Suits is Integrated Tools and Engines for Optimization Modeling and Application Development.
ILOG has long offered the world's most advanced optimization engines for solving tough business and research problems. ILOG OPL Development Studio provides the most complete integrated development environment (IDE) for developing, debugging and tuning optimization models.
With the introduction of ILOG Optimization Decision Manager (ODM), ILOG offers complete support for the optimization model-based application development process. Modelers and IT personnel can collaborate in entirely new ways to rapidly develop and deploy state-of-the-art planning and scheduling applications that take decision support to a new level.

ILOG OPL Development Studio
ILOG OPL Development Studio is a complete, integrated development environment (IDE) for building, debugging and tuning optimization models across the full range of planning and scheduling problems. ILOG OPL Development Studio supports the complete model development and deployment process and is required in order to use ILOG ODM. It is designed to take maximum advantage of ILOG CPLEX's and ILOG CP Optimizer's advanced features.

ILOG Optimization Decision Manager (ODM)
ILOG Optimization Decision Manager (ODM) is a specialized application development and deployment tool that help ILOG OPL Development Studio users build highly interactive, state-of-the-art decision support applications. Business users can participate easily in the model and application development process, ensuring the final planning or scheduling application accurately captures decision-making problems while providing excellence in scenario creation and comparison, constraint relaxation and goal balancing.

ILOG CPLEX delivers high-performance, robust, flexible optimizers for solving linear, mixed-integer and quadratic programming problems in mission-critical resource allocation applications.

ILOG CP Optimizer
ILOG CP Optimizer uses domain reduction and constraint propagation to efficiently solve problems that are highly combinatorial with highly logical content—problems that are usually difficult or impossible to represent with linear expressions.

posted on 2009-07-22 14:36 Tauruser 阅读(354) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

