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The major change to this release is how Cairngorm is being packaged. Cairngorm 2.1 introduced a dependency on fds.swc, which isn't part of the standard Flex SDK - it is part of FDS. So, we've repackaged Cairngorm into the core Cairngorm and Cairngorm Enterprise - this also starts aligning Cairngorm with Steven Webster's presentation at Max when he spoke about the Cairngorm Roadmap. We're also now going to to distribute Cairngorm in Binary form (SWC), as a source zip and a documentation zip.

* Removed dependency on Flex Data Services (fds.swc) - externalised to Cairngorm Enterprise
* Flex SDK SWCs are no longer linked into Cairngorm.swc (produces a smaller cairngorm.swc)
* Added support for setting remote credentials
* Fixed bug with Web services not loading the WSDL (no need to call loadWSDL() explicitly)
* ModelLocator interface has been deprecated. Added com.adobe.cairngorm.model.IModelLocator
* Added deprecation metadata for compiler support

Cairngorm2.1中依赖于fds.swc,而fds.swc不是Flex SDK中的东西,是FDS的一部分。
在2.2中会将Cairngorm拆成两部分:Core Cairngorm和Cairngorm Enterprise
和FDS.swc相关的部分放入Cairngorm Enterprise中。


# re: Changes between Cairngorm 2.1 and Cairngorm 2.2 Beta[未登录]  回复  更多评论   

2007-01-31 19:00 by silver

# re: Changes between Cairngorm 2.1 and Cairngorm 2.2 Beta  回复  更多评论   

2007-02-01 00:57 by 云自无心水自闲

