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If you encountered “ Cannot call Connection.commit in distributed transaction ” error, should check the weblogic connection pool and the datasource


If the connection pool is XA,

you should make sure that when you create the datasource to make it XA by select the check from "Honor Global Transaction" from the weblogic console.(default is selected)

If the connection pool is non-XA

you should make sure that when you create the datasource to make it non-XA by remove the check from "Honor Global Transaction" from the weblogic console.


# re: Cannot call Connection.commit in distributed transaction  回复  更多评论   

2009-01-15 17:14 by 成亟亟
thanks alot!

# re: Cannot call Connection.commit in distributed transaction  回复  更多评论   

2010-07-30 16:19 by qx

