Watir doesn't work well with chinese characters. Try the following codes.

ie.text_field(:name, 'some text field).set('某某')

It will highlight the text field but put nothing in it. I read the Watir source codes, and found an interesting code segment:

1 for i in 0 .. value.length-1   
2    sleep @ieController.typingspeed   # typing speed
3    c = value[i,1]
4    #@ieController.log  " adding c.chr " + c  #.chr.to_s
5    @o.value = @o.value.to_s + c   #c.chr
6    fire_key_events
7 end

The above codes show how Watir simulates typing.If it doesn't work well with chinese characters, There must be something wrong with Ruby string. The first order of business is to figure out how Ruby string works for Chinese string.

1 chineseString = '某某'
2 puts chineseString.length
3 for i in 0..chineseString.length-1
4  puts chineseString[i, 1]
5 end

result will be:


Does Ruby, which is now capturing all java programmers' love, use 8bit char instead of unicode? Holy fuck!

I made a simple patch for the issue after I woke up from a short coma.

 1 require 'Watir'
 3 module Watir
 4   module Cn
 5     class IE <Watir::IE
 6       def text_field(how , what=nil)
 7         return TextField.new(self, how, what)
 8       end
 9     end
11     class TextField < Watir::TextField
12       def doKeyPress( value )
13         begin
14           maxLength = @o.maxLength
15           if value.length > maxLength
16              value = suppliedValue[0 .. maxLength ]
17              @ieController.log " Supplied string is #{suppliedValue.length} chars, which exceeds the max length (#{maxLength}) of the field. Using value: #{value}"
18           end
19         rescue
20           # probably a text area - so it doesnt have a max Length
21           maxLength = -1
22         end
24         Cn.characters_in(value) {|c| 
25            sleep @ieController.typingspeed
26            @o.value = @o.value.to_s + c
27            fire_key_events}
28        end
29      end
31      def Cn.characters_in(value) 
32        index = 0
33        while index < value.length 
34          len = value[index] > 128 ? 2 : 1
35          yield value[index, len]
36          index += len
37        end 
38      end
39    end
40 end

I submitted this patch to Watir tracing systsem,and zipped codes could be found here: