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Problem:   Started with a simple SimUDuck App..
   Joe's company makes a duck pond simulation game, SimUDuck, The game can show a large variety of duck species swimming and making quacking sounds.

Initial Design:
But now some new functionality should be added, for example: we need some of the ducks to FLY.

First Design:
   We add a method fly() into the Duck class. It seems worked, but something went horribly wrong because not all ducks can fly. so....

Second Design: Using inheritance and polymorphism
   Always override the fly() mehtod in the subclass where needed.


   Drawbacks: Everytime a new duck is added, you will be forced to look at and possibly override fly() and quack(). so is there a cleaner way of having only some of the duck types fly or quack?

Third Design: Using interface!
Drawbacks: It completely destroy code reuse for those behaviors.

1. Design Principles: Identify the aspects of your application that vary and separate them form what stays the same!
                               which means Encapsulate the parts that vary!
2. Design Principles: Program to an interface, not an implementation! (interface here means supertype! including interface
                               and abstract class!.. making use of the polymorphism functionality).
3. Design Principles:  Favor composition over interface! 

Strategy Pattern: Using Composition!

Code implement:
public interface FlyBehavior{
public void fly();
public class FlyWithWings implements FlyBehavior{
public void fly(){
"I'm flying!!");

public class FlyNoWay implements FlyBehavior{
public void fly(){
"I can't fly");

public abstract class Duck{
   FlyBehavior flyBehavior;
public Duck(){      

public abstract void display();
public void performFly(){;

public void swim(){
"All ducks float, even decoys!");

public class MallardDuck{
public MallardDuck(){
=new FlyWithWings();      

public void display(){
"I'm a real mallard duck");


The Definition of Strategy Pattern: The Strategy Pattern defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them intercahgeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary indepanedtl from client that use it
1. It's weird to have a class that's jast a behavior: classes represent things both have state and methods. a flying behavior might have instance variables representing the attributes for the flying behavior.
2. Be care of Over-Design: implement your code first, then refractoring!

