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    早上刚来,维护部的同事就急匆匆过来说系统出现问题,昨天加班也没解决,情况比较紧急。打开系统,操作是上传图片,系统提示:该 URL“Images/F_300.jpg”无效,它可能指向不存在的文件或文件夹,或者是指向不在当前网站中的有效文件或文件夹。检查了源程序没有问题,上周还能正常运行,怎么就报错了呢,经过仔细分析,原来是该系统的数据库服务器空间已用完,悲催的问题根源。
posted @ 2012-09-20 11:19 Jakin.zhou 阅读(369) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2012-09-20 11:17 Jakin.zhou 阅读(412) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2012-09-20 10:53 Jakin.zhou 阅读(170) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2012-09-20 10:28 Jakin.zhou 阅读(136) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

    添加系统服务命令:xxxsvc.exe -install -name myserver。
    删除系统服务命令:xxxsvc.exe -uninstall myserver。
posted @ 2012-09-20 10:23 Jakin.zhou 阅读(135) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fun_RemoveHtml]
    @input    VARCHAR(8000)
    @Result varchar(8000),
    @start int,
    @end int,
    @len int
    set @input = @input+'<>'
    set @Result = ''
    set @len=len(@input)
    set @start = charindex('<',@input,1)
    set @end = charindex('>',@input,@start)
            set @Result = @Result + substring(@input,1,@start-1)
            set @len = @len - @end
            set @input = substring(@input,@end+1,@len)
            set @start = charindex('<',@input,1)
            set @end = charindex('>',@input,@start)
    RETURN replace(@Result,'&nbsp;','')   
posted @ 2012-09-20 10:00 Jakin.zhou 阅读(2347) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏


IF OBJECT_ID('[fun_GetPinyin]') IS NOT NULL
 DROP FUNCTION [fun_GetPinyin]  
create function [dbo].[fun_GetPinyin](@words nvarchar(2000)) 
returns varchar(8000) 
declare @word nchar(1) 
declare @pinyin varchar(8000) 
declare @i int
declare @words_len int
declare @unicode int
set @i = 1 
set @words = ltrim(rtrim(@words)) 
set @words_len = len(@words) 
while (@i <= @words_len) --循环取字符 
set @word = substring(@words, @i, 1) 
set @unicode = unicode(@word) 
set @pinyin = ISNULL(@pinyin +SPACE(1),'')+  
(case when unicode(@word) between 19968 and 19968+20901 then 
(select top 1 py from ( 
select 'a' as py,N'厑' as word 
union all select 'ai',N'靉'
union all select 'an',N'黯'
union all select 'ang',N'醠'
union all select 'ao',N'驁'
union all select 'ba',N'欛'
union all select 'bai',N'瓸' --韛兡瓸 
union all select 'ban',N'瓣'
union all select 'bang',N'鎊'
union all select 'bao',N'鑤'
union all select 'bei',N'鐾'
union all select 'ben',N'輽'
union all select 'beng',N'鏰'
union all select 'bi',N'鼊'
union all select 'bian',N'變'
union all select 'biao',N'鰾'
union all select 'bie',N'彆'
union all select 'bin',N'鬢'
union all select 'bing',N'靐'
union all select 'bo',N'蔔'
union all select 'bu',N'簿'
union all select 'ca',N'囃'
union all select 'cai',N'乲' --縩乲 
union all select 'can',N'爘'
union all select 'cang',N'賶'
union all select 'cao',N'鼜'
union all select 'ce',N'簎'
union all select 'cen',N'笒'
union all select 'ceng',N'乽' --硛硳岾猠乽 
union all select 'cha',N'詫'
union all select 'chai',N'囆'
union all select 'chan',N'顫'
union all select 'chang',N'韔'
union all select 'chao',N'觘'
union all select 'che',N'爡'
union all select 'chen',N'讖'
union all select 'cheng',N'秤'
union all select 'chi',N'鷘'
union all select 'chong',N'銃'
union all select 'chou',N'殠'
union all select 'chu',N'矗'
union all select 'chuai',N'踹'
union all select 'chuan',N'鶨'
union all select 'chuang',N'愴'
union all select 'chui',N'顀'
union all select 'chun',N'蠢'
union all select 'chuo',N'縒'
union all select 'ci',N'嗭' --賜嗭 
union all select 'cong',N'謥'
union all select 'cou',N'輳'
union all select 'cu',N'顣'
union all select 'cuan',N'爨'
union all select 'cui',N'臎'
union all select 'cun',N'籿'
union all select 'cuo',N'錯'
union all select 'da',N'橽'
union all select 'dai',N'靆'
union all select 'dan',N'饏'
union all select 'dang',N'闣'
union all select 'dao',N'纛'
union all select 'de',N'的'
union all select 'den',N'扽'
union all select 'deng',N'鐙'
union all select 'di',N'螮'
union all select 'dia',N'嗲'
union all select 'dian',N'驔'
union all select 'diao',N'鑃'
union all select 'die',N'嚸' --眰嚸 
union all select 'ding',N'顁'
union all select 'diu',N'銩'
union all select 'dong',N'霘'
union all select 'dou',N'鬭'
union all select 'du',N'蠹'
union all select 'duan',N'叾' --籪叾 
union all select 'dui',N'譵'
union all select 'dun',N'踲'
union all select 'duo',N'鵽'
union all select 'e',N'鱷'
union all select 'en',N'摁'
union all select 'eng',N'鞥'
union all select 'er',N'樲'
union all select 'fa',N'髮'
union all select 'fan',N'瀪'
union all select 'fang',N'放'
union all select 'fei',N'靅'
union all select 'fen',N'鱝'
union all select 'feng',N'覅'
union all select 'fo',N'梻'
union all select 'fou',N'鴀'
union all select 'fu',N'猤' --鰒猤 
union all select 'ga',N'魀'
union all select 'gai',N'瓂'
union all select 'gan',N'灨'
union all select 'gang',N'戇'
union all select 'gao',N'鋯'
union all select 'ge',N'獦'
union all select 'gei',N'給'
union all select 'gen',N'搄'
union all select 'geng',N'堩' --亙堩啹喼嗰 
union all select 'gong',N'兣' --熕贑兝兣 
union all select 'gou',N'購'
union all select 'gu',N'顧'
union all select 'gua',N'詿'
union all select 'guai',N'恠'
union all select 'guan',N'鱹'
union all select 'guang',N'撗'
union all select 'gui',N'鱥'
union all select 'gun',N'謴'
union all select 'guo',N'腂'
union all select 'ha',N'哈'
union all select 'hai',N'饚'
union all select 'han',N'鶾'
union all select 'hang',N'沆'
union all select 'hao',N'兞'
union all select 'he',N'靏'
union all select 'hei',N'嬒'
union all select 'hen',N'恨'
union all select 'heng',N'堼' --堼囍 
union all select 'hong',N'鬨'
union all select 'hou',N'鱟'
union all select 'hu',N'鸌'
union all select 'hua',N'蘳'
union all select 'huai',N'蘾'
union all select 'huan',N'鰀'
union all select 'huang',N'鎤'
union all select 'hui',N'顪'
union all select 'hun',N'諢'
union all select 'huo',N'夻'
union all select 'ji',N'驥'
union all select 'jia',N'嗧'
union all select 'jian',N'鑳'
union all select 'jiang',N'謽'
union all select 'jiao',N'釂'
union all select 'jie',N'繲'
union all select 'jin',N'齽'
union all select 'jing',N'竸'
union all select 'jiong',N'蘔'
union all select 'jiu',N'欍'
union all select 'ju',N'爠'
union all select 'juan',N'羂'
union all select 'jue',N'钁'
union all select 'jun',N'攈'
union all select 'ka',N'鉲'
union all select 'kai',N'乫' --鎎乫 
union all select 'kan',N'矙'
union all select 'kang',N'閌'
union all select 'kao',N'鯌'
union all select 'ke',N'騍'
union all select 'ken',N'褃'
union all select 'keng',N'鏗' --巪乬唟厼怾 
union all select 'kong',N'廤'
union all select 'kou',N'鷇'
union all select 'ku',N'嚳'
union all select 'kua',N'骻'
union all select 'kuai',N'鱠'
union all select 'kuan',N'窾'
union all select 'kuang',N'鑛'
union all select 'kui',N'鑎'
union all select 'kun',N'睏'
union all select 'kuo',N'穒'
union all select 'la',N'鞡'
union all select 'lai',N'籟'
union all select 'lan',N'糷'
union all select 'lang',N'唥'
union all select 'lao',N'軂'
union all select 'le',N'餎'
union all select 'lei',N'脷' --嘞脷 
union all select 'leng',N'睖'
union all select 'li',N'瓈'
union all select 'lia',N'倆'
union all select 'lian',N'纞'
union all select 'liang',N'鍄'
union all select 'liao',N'瞭'
union all select 'lie',N'鱲'
union all select 'lin',N'轥' --轥拎 
union all select 'ling',N'炩'
union all select 'liu',N'咯' --瓼甅囖咯 
union all select 'long',N'贚'
union all select 'lou',N'鏤'
union all select 'lu',N'氇'
union all select 'lv',N'鑢'
union all select 'luan',N'亂'
union all select 'lue',N'擽'
union all select 'lun',N'論'
union all select 'luo',N'鱳'
union all select 'ma',N'嘛'
union all select 'mai',N'霢'
union all select 'man',N'蘰'
union all select 'mang',N'蠎'
union all select 'mao',N'唜'
union all select 'me',N'癦' --癦呅 
union all select 'mei',N'嚜'
union all select 'men',N'們'
union all select 'meng',N'霥' --霿踎 
union all select 'mi',N'羃'
union all select 'mian',N'麵'
union all select 'miao',N'廟'
union all select 'mie',N'鱴' --鱴瓱 
union all select 'min',N'鰵'
union all select 'ming',N'詺'
union all select 'miu',N'謬'
union all select 'mo',N'耱' --耱乮 
union all select 'mou',N'麰' --麰蟱 
union all select 'mu',N'旀'
union all select 'na',N'魶'
union all select 'nai',N'錼'
union all select 'nan',N'婻'
union all select 'nang',N'齉'
union all select 'nao',N'臑'
union all select 'ne',N'呢'
union all select 'nei',N'焾' --嫩焾 
union all select 'nen',N'嫩'
union all select 'neng',N'能' --莻嗯鈪銰啱 
union all select 'ni',N'嬺'
union all select 'nian',N'艌'
union all select 'niang',N'釀'
union all select 'niao',N'脲'
union all select 'nie',N'钀'
union all select 'nin',N'拰'
union all select 'ning',N'濘'
union all select 'niu',N'靵'
union all select 'nong',N'齈'
union all select 'nou',N'譳'
union all select 'nu',N'搙'
union all select 'nv',N'衄'
union all select 'nue',N'瘧'
union all select 'nuan',N'燶' --硸黁燶郍 
union all select 'nuo',N'桛'
union all select 'o',N'鞰' --毮夞乯鞰 
union all select 'ou',N'漚'
union all select 'pa',N'袙'
union all select 'pai',N'磗' --鎃磗 
union all select 'pan',N'鑻'
union all select 'pang',N'胖'
union all select 'pao',N'礮'
union all select 'pei',N'轡'
union all select 'pen',N'喯'
union all select 'peng',N'喸' --浌巼闏乶喸 
union all select 'pi',N'鸊'
union all select 'pian',N'騙'
union all select 'piao',N'慓'
union all select 'pie',N'嫳'
union all select 'pin',N'聘'
union all select 'ping',N'蘋'
union all select 'po',N'魄'
union all select 'pou',N'哛' --兺哛 
union all select 'pu',N'曝'
union all select 'qi',N'蟿'
union all select 'qia',N'髂'
union all select 'qian',N'縴'
union all select 'qiang',N'瓩' --羻兛瓩 
union all select 'qiao',N'躈'
union all select 'qie',N'籡'
union all select 'qin',N'藽'
union all select 'qing',N'櫦'
union all select 'qiong',N'瓗'
union all select 'qiu',N'糗'
union all select 'qu',N'覻'
union all select 'quan',N'勸'
union all select 'que',N'礭'
union all select 'qun',N'囕'
union all select 'ran',N'橪'
union all select 'rang',N'讓'
union all select 'rao',N'繞'
union all select 're',N'熱'
union all select 'ren',N'餁'
union all select 'reng',N'陾'
union all select 'ri',N'馹'
union all select 'rong',N'穃'
union all select 'rou',N'嶿'
union all select 'ru',N'擩'
union all select 'ruan',N'礝'
union all select 'rui',N'壡'
union all select 'run',N'橍' --橍挼 
union all select 'ruo',N'鶸'
union all select 'sa',N'栍' --櫒栍 
union all select 'sai',N'虄' --簺虄 
union all select 'san',N'閐'
union all select 'sang',N'喪'
union all select 'sao',N'髞'
union all select 'se',N'飋' --裇聓 
union all select 'sen',N'篸'
union all select 'seng',N'縇' --閪縇 
union all select 'sha',N'霎'
union all select 'shai',N'曬'
union all select 'shan',N'鱔'
union all select 'shang',N'緔'
union all select 'shao',N'潲'
union all select 'she',N'欇'
union all select 'shen',N'瘮'
union all select 'sheng',N'賸'
union all select 'shi',N'瓧' --鰘齛兙瓧 
union all select 'shou',N'鏉'
union all select 'shu',N'虪'
union all select 'shua',N'誜'
union all select 'shuai',N'卛'
union all select 'shuan',N'腨'
union all select 'shuang',N'灀'
union all select 'shui',N'睡'
union all select 'shun',N'鬊'
union all select 'shuo',N'鑠'
union all select 'si',N'乺' --瀃螦乺 
union all select 'song',N'鎹'
union all select 'sou',N'瘶'
union all select 'su',N'鷫'
union all select 'suan',N'算'
union all select 'sui',N'鐩'
union all select 'sun',N'潠'
union all select 'suo',N'蜶'
union all select 'ta',N'襨' --躢襨 
union all select 'tai',N'燤'
union all select 'tan',N'賧'
union all select 'tang',N'燙'
union all select 'tao',N'畓' --討畓 
union all select 'te',N'蟘'
union all select 'teng',N'朰' --霯唞朰 
union all select 'ti',N'趯'
union all select 'tian',N'舚'
union all select 'tiao',N'糶'
union all select 'tie',N'餮'
union all select 'ting',N'乭' --濎乭 
union all select 'tong',N'憅'
union all select 'tou',N'透'
union all select 'tu',N'鵵'
union all select 'tuan',N'褖'
union all select 'tui',N'駾'
union all select 'tun',N'坉'
union all select 'tuo',N'籜'
union all select 'wa',N'韤'
union all select 'wai',N'顡'
union all select 'wan',N'贎'
union all select 'wang',N'朢'
union all select 'wei',N'躛'
union all select 'wen',N'璺'
union all select 'weng',N'齆'
union all select 'wo',N'齷'
union all select 'wu',N'鶩'
union all select 'xi',N'衋'
union all select 'xia',N'鏬'
union all select 'xian',N'鼸'
union all select 'xiang',N'鱌'
union all select 'xiao',N'斆'
union all select 'xie',N'躞'
union all select 'xin',N'釁'
union all select 'xing',N'臖'
union all select 'xiong',N'敻'
union all select 'xiu',N'齅'
union all select 'xu',N'蓿'
union all select 'xuan',N'贙'
union all select 'xue',N'瀥'
union all select 'xun',N'鑂'
union all select 'ya',N'齾'
union all select 'yan',N'灩'
union all select 'yang',N'樣'
union all select 'yao',N'鑰'
union all select 'ye',N'岃' --鸈膶岃 
union all select 'yi',N'齸'
union all select 'yin',N'檼'
union all select 'ying',N'譍'
union all select 'yo',N'喲'
union all select 'yong',N'醟'
union all select 'you',N'鼬'
union all select 'yu',N'爩'
union all select 'yuan',N'願'
union all select 'yue',N'鸙'
union all select 'yun',N'韻'
union all select 'za',N'雥'
union all select 'zai',N'縡'
union all select 'zan',N'饡'
union all select 'zang',N'臟'
union all select 'zao',N'竈'
union all select 'ze',N'稄'
union all select 'zei',N'鱡'
union all select 'zen',N'囎'
union all select 'zeng',N'贈'
union all select 'zha',N'醡'
union all select 'zhai',N'瘵'
union all select 'zhan',N'驏'
union all select 'zhang',N'瞕'
union all select 'zhao',N'羄'
union all select 'zhe',N'鷓'
union all select 'zhen',N'黮'
union all select 'zheng',N'證'
union all select 'zhi',N'豒'
union all select 'zhong',N'諥'
union all select 'zhou',N'驟'
union all select 'zhu',N'鑄'
union all select 'zhua',N'爪'
union all select 'zhuai',N'跩'
union all select 'zhuan',N'籑'
union all select 'zhuang',N'戅'
union all select 'zhui',N'鑆'
union all select 'zhun',N'稕'
union all select 'zhuo',N'籱'
union all select 'zi',N'漬' --漬唨 
union all select 'zong',N'縱'
union all select 'zou',N'媰'
union all select 'zu',N'謯'
union all select 'zuan',N'攥'
union all select 'zui',N'欈'
union all select 'zun',N'銌'
union all select 'zuo',N'咗') t  
where word >= @word collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS  
order by word collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS ASC) else @word end) 
set @i = @i + 1 
return @pinyin 

select dbo.fun_GetPinyin([Title]),[Title] from Issue;
1 ma ling shu jia chong 马铃薯甲虫
posted @ 2012-08-28 10:23 Jakin.zhou 阅读(163) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


select dateadd(day,1,CreateTime) from student;

posted @ 2012-08-16 18:02 Jakin.zhou 阅读(266) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

 3    <title>测试HTML导出内容至WORD</title>
 4    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
 5        //指定页面区域内容导入Word
 6        function exportToWord(controlId) {
 7            var control = document.getElementById(controlId);
 8            try {
 9                var oWD = new ActiveXObject("Word.Application");
10                var oDC = oWD.Documents.Add(""01);
11                var oRange = oDC.Range(01);
12                var sel = document.body.createTextRange();
13                try {
14                    sel.moveToElementText(control);
15                }
 catch (notE) {
16                    alert("导出数据失败,没有数据可以导出。");
17                    window.close();
18                    return;
19                }

20                sel.select();
21                sel.execCommand("Copy");
22                oRange.Paste();
23                oWD.Application.Visible = true;
24                //window.close();
25            }

26            catch (e) {
27                alert("导出数据失败,需要在客户机器安装Microsoft Office Word(不限版本),将当前站点加入信任站点,允许在IE中运行ActiveX控件。");
28                try { oWD.Quit(); } catch (ex) { }
29                //window.close();
30            }

31        }

35    <div id="TestDiv">
36        <div align="center">爱情公寓第三季成绩表</div>
38        <table width="100%">
39            <tr>
40                <td style="background-color: #F50AE5; font-weight: bold;text-align:center">
41                    名次
42                </td>
43                <td style="background-color: #F50AE5; font-weight: bold;text-align:center">
44                    姓名
45                </td>
46                <td style="background-color: #F50AE5; font-weight: bold;text-align:center">
47                    总分
48                </td>
49            </tr>
50            <tr>
51                <td style="text-align:center">
52                    2012001
53                </td>
54                <td style="text-align:center">
55                    曾小贤
56                </td>
57                <td style="text-align:center">
58                    86
59                </td>
60            </tr>
61            <tr>
62                <td style="text-align:center">
63                    2012002
64                </td>
65                <td style="text-align:center">
66                    胡一菲
67                </td>
68                <td style="text-align:center">
69                    85
70                </td>
71            </tr>
72        </table>
73    </div>
74    <div>
75    <div style="text-align:center">
76    <input type="button" value="导出到WORD" onclick="return exportToWord('TestDiv')" />
77    </div>
posted @ 2012-08-16 10:35 Jakin.zhou 阅读(2187) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;

public class MyeclipseGen {
private static final String LL = "Decompiling this copyrighted software is a violation of both your license agreement and the Digital Millenium Copyright Act of 1998 (http://www.loc.gov/copyright/legislation/dmca.pdf). Under section 1204 of the DMCA, penalties range up to a $500,000 fine or up to five years imprisonment for a first offense. Think about it; pay for a license, avoid prosecution, and feel better about yourself.";

public String getSerial(String userId, String licenseNum) {
        java.util.Calendar cal 
= java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
        java.text.NumberFormat nf 
= new java.text.DecimalFormat("000");
= nf.format(Integer.valueOf(licenseNum));
        String verTime 
= new StringBuilder("-").append(
new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyMMdd").format(cal.getTime()))
        String type 
= "YE3MP-";
        String need 
= new StringBuilder(userId.substring(01)).append(type)
        String dx 
= new StringBuilder(need).append(LL).append(userId)
int suf = this.decode(dx);
        String code 
= new StringBuilder(need).append(String.valueOf(suf))
return this.change(code);

private int decode(String s) {
int i;
char[] ac;
int j;
int k;
= 0;
= s.toCharArray();
= 0;
= ac.length;
while (j < k) {
= (31 * i) + ac[j];

return Math.abs(i);

private String change(String s) {
byte[] abyte0;
char[] ac;
int i;
int k;
int j;
= s.getBytes();
= new char[s.length()];
= 0;
= abyte0.length;
while (i < k) {
= abyte0[i];
if ((j >= 48&& (j <= 57)) {
= (((j - 48+ 5% 10+ 48;
 else if ((j >= 65&& (j <= 90)) {
= (((j - 65+ 13% 26+ 65;
 else if ((j >= 97&& (j <= 122)) {
= (((j - 97+ 13% 26+ 97;

= (char) j;

return String.valueOf(ac);

public MyeclipseGen() {

public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
"please input register name:");
            BufferedReader reader 
= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
            String userId 
= null;
= reader.readLine();
            MyeclipseGen myeclipsegen 
= new MyeclipseGen();
            String res 
= myeclipsegen.getSerial(userId, "5");
"Serial:" + res);
 catch (IOException ex) {



please input register name:
随便一个名字,然后回车,即可出现注册码,然后在MyEclipse下,在菜单中选择 Myeclipse->Subscription Information 然后 输入Subscriber和Subscription code即可。
posted @ 2012-07-02 17:28 Jakin.zhou 阅读(2010) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

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