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JXTA 服务发布

Posted on 2007-05-28 15:41 change 阅读(127) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

在jxta里面,所有的资源都是通过广告来发布的,这里的服务业不例外,在这里的服务  发布里面有两个很总要的概念,

• ModuleClassAdvertisement— defines the service class; its main purpose is to formally document the
existence of a module class. It is uniquely identified by a ModuleClassID.
• ModuleSpecAdvertisement — defines a service specification; uniquely identified by a ModuleSpecID.
Its main purpose is to provide references to the documentation needed in order to create conforming
implementations of that specification. A secondary use is to make running instances usable remotely,
by publishing any or all of the following:
• PipeAdvertisement
• ModuleSpecID of a proxy module
• ModuleSpecID of an authenticator module
• ModuleImplAdvertisement — defines an implementation of a given service specification. 

这里的 ModuleClassAdvertisement  仅仅用来告知服务的存在,对等点若是需要访问该服务的话,还需要发现与之关联的 ModuleSpecAdvertisement  广告信息。

而这里的 ModuleSpecAdvertisement  则包含了 对等点节点 要访问该服务所需要的所有相关信息,比如:管道广告信息,通过它才能够连接上所需要的服务。


创建发布 ModuleClassAdvertisement  :

ModuleClassAdvertisement mcadv = (ModuleClassAdvertisement)AdvertisementFactory.newAdvertisement(ModuleClassAdvertisement.getAdvertisementType());
   mcadv.setDescription("Tutorial example to use JXTA module advertisement Framework");
   ModuleClassID mcID = IDFactory.newModuleClassID();
   mcadv.setModuleClassID(mcID);//通过mcID来建立ModuleClassAdvertisement 与ModuleSpecAdvertisement 的联系


创建发布 ModuleSpecAdvertisement :

ModuleSpecAdvertisement mdadv = (ModuleSpecAdvertisement)AdvertisementFactory.newAdvertisement(ModuleSpecAdvertisement.getAdvertisementType());

   mdadv.setVersion("Version 1.0");

PipeAdvertisement pipeadv = null;
   try {
    FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream("pipeserver.adv");
    pipeadv = (PipeAdvertisement)AdvertisementFactory.newAdvertisement(MimeMediaType.XMLUTF8, is);
   } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("failed to read/parse pipe advertisement");


  myPipe = pipes.createInputPipe(pipeadv);

在客户端,通过不断的查找广告(分本地查找和远端查找)来 获取 所需要服务的广告信息,通过它就可以获取 管道信息 来创建管道以达到通讯的目的。客户端代码示例大抵如下:

Enumeration en = null;
  while (true) {
   try {
    /* let's look first in our local cache to see if we have it! We try to discover an adverisement which as the (Name, JXTA-EX1) tag value
    en = discovery.getLocalAdvertisements(DiscoveryService.ADV,"Name","JXTASPEC:JXTA-EX1");
    //  Ok we got something in our local cache does not
    //  need to go further!
    if ((en != null) && en.hasMoreElements()) {
    //  nothing in the local cache?, let's remotely query
    //  for the service advertisement.
    discovery.getRemoteAdvertisements(null,DiscoveryService.ADV,"Name","JXTASPEC:JXTA-EX1",1, null);
    //  The discovery is asynchronous as we do not know
    //  how long is going to take
    try { // sleep as much as we want. Yes we
     //  should implement asynchronous listener pipe...
    } catch (Exception e) {}
   } catch (IOException e) {
    //  found nothing! move on
  System.out.println("we found the service advertisement");
  //  Ok get the service advertisement as a Spec Advertisement
  ModuleSpecAdvertisement mdsadv = (ModuleSpecAdvertisement)en.nextElement();
  try {
   //  let's print the advertisement as a plain text document
   StructuredTextDocument doc = (StructuredTextDocument)mdsadv.getDocument(MimeMediaType.TEXT_DEFAULTENCODING);
   StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
   //  we can find the pipe to connect to the service
   //  in the advertisement.
   PipeAdvertisement pipeadv = mdsadv.getPipeAdvertisement();
   //  Ok we have our pipe advertiseemnt to talk to the service
   //  create the output pipe endpoint to connect  to the server
    myPipe = pipes.createOutputPipe(pipeadv, 10000);

   //  send the message to the service pipe
   myPipe.send (msg);