Feature Highlights
Connected Developer Tools
- Create Kenai-hosted open source projects directly within the IDE
- Manage your Kenai project and collaborate with like-minded developers
- File issue tracking reports using both Jira and Bugzilla
- Library dependency graph viewer
- Improved code completion for Maven plugin parameters
- Support for Java EE, Web Services creation and consumption
- POM Editor and Navigator enhancements
- PHPUnit support
- Code coverage and Selenium support
- SQL code completion in the PHP editor
- Glassfish v3 Prelude instance with pre-configured Derby (Java DB) integration
- Code completion support for Glassfish v3 Prelude
- Added Hierarchy to the Tree View in the Services Explorer
Groovy and Grails
- Out-of-the-box support for Grails 1.1
- Code completion
- Disable browser opening on run and configure platforms to use with Grails projects
- Invoke Grails command or custom script from context menu item
Ruby and Rails
- Remote debugging
- Improvements to Ruby constants support
- Run and debug actions for test cases and suites included in context menu
- Support for Shoulda tests
- DLight profiling tools for C++ projects (with minimal overhead!)
- Integrated support of popular Qt library and tools
- More refactorings and code generation in the C/C++ editor
- Macro expansion view to analyze preprocessor output
- Export profiling data into CSV, HTML and XML file formats
- HeapWalker supports OQL queries to analyze the contents of the heapdump
- Debugger options to customize debugging process
- Easy viewing and setup of sources before start of debugging session
- Hudson services integration for Ant and Maven projects
- Generated source roots now displayed in the Projects tab
- Struts library migrated to version 1.3.8

Java ME / Mobility
- Bundled with the Java Platform Micro Edition Software Development Kit 3.0
- Support for the Java Card Platform 3.0
- Full support for SVG Rich Components in the Visual Mobile Designer
- Improvements to the SVG Composer
NetBeans Platform
- Enhancements to Output window, Update Center catalog, and search performance
- Improved toolbar behavior and declarative MIME type resolvers
- Ability to change extension of files