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1). Processing (parsing) XML documents using: 
   - Document Object Model (DOM)
   - Simple API for XML (SAX)
   Transforming XML documents using 
   - XPath

Steps for DOM Parsing

1. Tell the system which parser you will use

2. Create a JAXP document builder

3. Invoke the parser to create a Document representing an XML


4. Normalize the tree

5. Obtain the root node of the tree

6. Examine and modify properties of the node


Steps for SAX Parsing

1. Tell the system which parser you want to use

2. Create a parser instance

3. Create a content handler to respond to parsing events

4. Invoke the parser with the designated content handler and


posted on 2006-11-27 05:26 Sun River 阅读(222) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: XML