在配置weblogic数据源和连接池时,由于建立连接池采用的weblogic的默认sqlserver jdbc驱动程序weblogic.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver,这给我下面的工作带来很大的麻烦。我在进行session.save()时,提示错误 JDBC error: Unsupported method: Connection.prepareStatement ,很是让我纳闷,百思不得其解,后google一下,得到了bea 工程师的解答,如下:
 Well, that's clearly one of them. I would contact Hibernate/Plum Tree
 about this, and ask how many JDBC drivers they've tested this with.
 I would venture an educated guess that many JDBC drivers will not
 be able to completely implement all the JDBC 3.0 methods in the
 spec's wishlist.... MHO,
 Joe Weinstein at BEA Systems

    可以看出,bea提供的sqlserver驱动没有完全实现 jdbc的方法,而hibernate3却调用了Connection.prepareStatement 方法,碰巧该方法不实现,就出现上述错误。