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     摘要: English Tips-14
1.Are you kidding me?
2.Are you trying to kill me?
3.Are you trying to cheat me?
4.Are you challenging me?  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-08-25 09:14 诗特林 阅读(252) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

     摘要: Java作为一种成熟的语言,同时作为一种优秀的平台,已经广为接受。很多的程序员对Java技术很精通。如果说在进行软件开发的时候,把Java这个平台抛掉或对之置若罔闻,对现在的开发者来说,这是一件忍痛割爱的事情。不管是为了更好的提高程序的性能或是稳定性,还是看中了Java非常丰富的类库,非Java应用程序在JVM上运行已经吊足了程序员的胃口。那么,Java可以为应用程序提供统一的运行平台吗?JVM能承担这一艰巨的任务否?  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-08-24 09:03 诗特林 阅读(1294) | 评论 (2)编辑 收藏

     摘要: 临摹赵体《妙严寺》  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-08-20 11:20 诗特林 阅读(1136) | 评论 (4)编辑 收藏

     摘要: really or quite
1.You are really something.(你真了不起!)
2.You are really somebody.( 你真是个了不起的人物(大人物、风云人物))
3.I had a really bad day today.
4.The weather is really awful/  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-08-19 08:34 诗特林 阅读(308) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

     摘要: JavaScript已经发展成为进行Web客户端编程的标准语言。它有大量的语言资源,但是对开发的支持并不完备。大多数使用JavaScript的开发人员更倾向于用原来的方法进行调试,但是现在有很多工具来减轻测试和调试的负担。

Visual Studio 2008将是一个非常激动人心的版本,包含了成堆的强大的功能。其中一个新特性就是更加完善的支持对JavaScript的调试及IntelliSense功能。Visual Studio 2008其实是开发JavaScript程序最优秀的IDE,对JavaScript的代码诱导能力最强,而且还可以进行断点跟踪调试调试。在本文中,将展示的这两方面的特性,希望为JavaScript的编辑及调试带来新开发方式,但愿读者能寻找到一款更好的JavaScript开发工具。

posted @ 2007-08-17 16:36 诗特林 阅读(1599) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

     摘要: 随着互联网开源潮流的迅速发展,全球IT业正迎来一个新的发展格局成长期。对全球的开源体系——LAMP(Linux、Apache、MYSQL、PHP)而言,其所代表的开源软件及应用,以其开放性、低成本、安全性、适用性以及可靠性能,正对传统软件、硬件和系统集成商产生巨大的冲击,同时,也给创新型IT企业、程序开发者创造了前所未有的机遇。作为软件行业风尖浪口的Java,几多褒贬,几多称赞。Java有能力抵挡LAMP的进攻吗?或是LAMP、.Net与Java将三分天下乎?难道昔日”酷毙了”的Java已经成为过时技术了吗?

posted @ 2007-08-14 08:58 诗特林 阅读(1194) | 评论 (8)编辑 收藏

     摘要: The more hope the more lose
More you expect,more depression you receive  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-08-13 09:00 诗特林 阅读(704) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

     摘要: New figures on the Chinese economy suggest it’s expanding at break-neck speed, defying official efforts to tame it. It grew by 11.1% in the first quarter of this year, one of the world’s highest rates and unheard of the long larger economies. The Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao said the government needed to take steps to stop the economy overheating. Here is our economics correspondent Andrew Walker.  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-08-05 10:20 诗特林 阅读(410) | 评论 (3)编辑 收藏

 [BBC新闻听写]4月0日 新数据显示中国经济以极高速度增长

New figures on the Chinese economy suggest it’s expanding at break-neck speed, defying official efforts to tame it. It grew by 11.1% in the first quarter of this year, one of the world’s highest rates and unheard of the long larger economies. The Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao said the government needed to take steps to stop the economy overheating. Here is our economics correspondent Andrew Walker.

China’s two and a half decades of strong economic growth have produced some real benefits. The proportion of the population in poverty has fallen dramatically, but it really is possible for an economy to grow too quickly? The rapid growth in China has been driven in large part by very high rates of investment in new factories and offices. Investment is a central part of the growth process, but if it’s excessive, there can be an increased risk of many investments failing commercially. That can lead to factory closures, lost jobs, and problems for the banks that lend the money to finance the investment.

posted @ 2007-08-05 10:18 诗特林 阅读(147) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

     摘要: Visual Studio和.NET Framework的下一个版本,代号名为 Visual Studio 2008, 其中有许多新的特性。当Visual Studio 2008在2007年5月份发布Beta1后,笔者使用了一段时间。给人的整体感觉是惬意。微软在Visual Studio及.NET Framework这两方面做了大量的工作,可以非常有效的提高开发人员的开发效率。

Visual Studio 2008将是一个非常激动人心的版本,包含了成堆的强大的功能。在本文中,将展示的只是几个特性而已,没有谈及的特性还多着呢。

posted @ 2007-08-03 12:26 诗特林 阅读(16280) | 评论 (6)编辑 收藏

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